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Our servicesEastern Trading Company

Gold Market Intelligence

Eastern Trading has a historical, rich developed network of gold suppliers and gold market participants across Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, and South America. We can develop a deep understanding of the gold market dynamics in the countries where our partners participate.

International Gold Sourcing

Eastern Trading arranges and conducts the wholesale purchase of precious metals at discounts through our developed network of international gold suppliers. We source our gold from known gold-producing countries at competitive prices and utilize trusted counterparties in all our transactions.

Wholesale Gold Trading

Eastern Trading has a strong relationship with local gold refineries, bullion dealers, and Jewellers and can facilitate wholesale (B2B) gold trading transactions for our clients.
All our services follow stringent KYC and AML/CTF requirements for UAE and are conducted in line with OECD and UAE Ministry of Economy guidelines for responsible sourcing.